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Caribbean Colonial Statistics from the British Empire, 1824-1950

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  • Caribbean Colonial Statistics from the British Empire, 1824-1950

Caribbean Blue Books, 1824-1950

Expenditure incurred: Colonial Rangers for the apprehension of runaway negroes, and any other devices to which the Commander in Chief may deem it neccessary to apply them, paid by the colony, and rationed by Government
Rev. Blue Book for Dominica, 1826, Dominica, 1826-1887; Dominican Blue Books, 1826-1832; img 9

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These Caribbean statistics cover the transition from slavery to World War 2

For the most part these statistical records cover the years from 1839 to 1938, although some records commence from 1824 and others continue until 1950. The records for each colony are prefaced by a brief introduction to that colony. The population returns are published alongside education reports, while grants of land reveal who held the colonial wealth. Imports and exports are joined by prison records which reveal what the crimes were at that time. As these records are published together, the reader can compare the living conditions and access to services across colonies. The imperial statistics in this collection are listed by year for ease of reference.


Caribbean Colonial Statistics from the British Empire, 1824-1950...

Caribbean Blue Books, 1824-1950



Licensed to access Antigua, 1828-1887

Antigua was first colonized by the British in 1632, then run as a sugar colony. Local slaves died by the...

Licensed to access Bahamas, 1828-1939

The Bahamas was first settled by Amerindians, then invaded and taken-over by British colonizers in 1686. Piracy was rife when...

Licensed to access Barbados, 1839-1947

Barbados was first settled by Amerindians, before being taken by Spanish slavers in 1492. The Amerindians were killed by European...

Licensed to access Bermuda, 1836-1950

Bermuda was first occupied by the British in 1609, after a sea captain called George Somers landed there in a...

Licensed to access British Guiana, 1868-1938

The Guianas were first settled by the Surinen people of the Americas, followed by Amerindian tribes. The first European colonizers...

Licensed to access British Honduras, 1839-1938

First settled by the Maya people, Spain was the first European country to attempt to form a settlement on the...

Licensed to access Dominica, 1826-1887

Dominica was first colonized by the French in 1690 and run as a sugar colony which also used slaves to...

Licensed to access Grenada, 1860-1938

First settled by the indigenous Amerindians, it was then colonized by the French in 1650, before being ceded to the...

Licensed to access Jamaica, 1836-1945

Upon its discovery in 1494, Jamaica was home to an estimated 60,000 Amerindian people. The settlement of the colony by...

Licensed to access Leeward Islands, 1889-1945

The Leeward Islands include Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat, St Christopher, Nevis and the Virgin Islands amongst others. First settled by the...

Licensed to access Montserrat, 1830-1887

Montserrat was first colonized by the Irish in 1632 when they were evicted from St Christopher by its British Governor....

Licensed to access Nevis, 1841-1882

Nevis was first claimed by the Spanish after being sighted by Christopher Columbus, but first settled by the British in...

Licensed to access St Christopher, 1828-1886

St Christopher, also known as St Kitts, was colonized by both the French and the English, each colonizing different parts...

Licensed to access St Lucia, 1828-1938

First settled by Amerindians, St Lucia was settled by French colonizers in 1651; it would then change hands between Britain...

Licensed to access St. Vincent, 1828-1938

First settled by indigenous Amerindians, St Vincent was colonized by the French in the early 18th century, but ceded to...

Licensed to access Tobago, 1824-1892

First settled by Amerindians, then intermittently invaded by the Spanish, Dutch, English and Courlanders. Tobago was taken by Dutch colonizers...

Licensed to access Tortola, 1839-1842

Tortola would, in all likelihood, have been settled by Amerindians prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus. It was settled...

Licensed to access Trinidad, 1873-1901

First settled by Amerindians, Trinidad was colonized by the Spanish in 1532, taken by the British in 1797 and officially...

Licensed to access Trinidad and Tobago, 1889-1938

Tobago was first amalgamated with Trinidad, to form one colony, in 1889. Trinidad and Tobago then gained universal suffrage in...

Licensed to access Turks and Caicos Islands, 1878-1891

The Turks Islands are believed to have been settled by Amerindians since at least 900 AD, they were then discovered...

Licensed to access Virgin Islands, 1843-1887

The main European countries who laid claim to the Virgin Islands were the Spanish; these Islands would then be settled...


  • Books of statistics from the 1820s contain more descriptions of the colonies being discussed and fewer tables of statistics
  • Most of these books have contents pages, if one copy doesn't then the book before or after it usually will have.
  • Comparing the statistics from a range of books reveals patterns in social service development, from schools to hospitals and the military.
  • When patterns in public service use are analysed together, it becomes possible to see changes in quality of life for the native people of a country.

Licensed to access Power and Profit: British Colonial Trade in America and the Caribbean, 1678-1825

1678   1825

Licensed to access Scottish Trade with Africa and the West Indies in the Early 18th century, 1694-1709

1694   1709

Licensed to access Slavery in Jamaica, Records from a Family of Slave Owners, 1686-1860

1686   1856

Licensed to access Slavery, Exploitation and Trade in the West Indies, 1759-1832

1759   1823
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