Caribbean Colonial Statistics from the British Empire, 1824-1950
Caribbean Blue Books, 1824-1950
Expenditure incurred: Colonial Rangers for the apprehension of runaway negroes, and any other devices to which the Commander in Chief may deem it neccessary to apply them, paid by the colony, and rationed by GovernmentDominica, 1826-1887; Dominican Blue Books, 1826-1832; img 9
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These Caribbean statistics cover the transition from slavery to World War 2
For the most part these statistical records cover the years from 1839 to 1938, although some records commence from 1824 and others continue until 1950. The records for each colony are prefaced by a brief introduction to that colony. The population returns are published alongside education reports, while grants of land reveal who held the colonial wealth. Imports and exports are joined by prison records which reveal what the crimes were at that time. As these records are published together, the reader can compare the living conditions and access to services across colonies. The imperial statistics in this collection are listed by year for ease of reference.
Caribbean Colonial Statistics from the British Empire, 1824-1950...
Caribbean Blue Books, 1824-1950
- Books of statistics from the 1820s contain more descriptions of the colonies being discussed and fewer tables of statistics
- Most of these books have contents pages, if one copy doesn't then the book before or after it usually will have.
- Comparing the statistics from a range of books reveals patterns in social service development, from schools to hospitals and the military.
- When patterns in public service use are analysed together, it becomes possible to see changes in quality of life for the native people of a country.