Gambia Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1881-1966
Annual Departmental Reports relating to the Gambia, 1881-1966
His Excellency said...while he hoped to be able to supply the Commissioners with the detachments of Police that they had asked for, he asked them to carry on as hitherto with Badge Messengers, until other arrangements could be madeAdministration; Miscellaneous; img 5
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Gambia was seen as a colonial problem, learn how this affected its treatment
This collection includes annual reports compiled by the colonial government of Gambia. It covers the period from the creation of the British administered Gambia Colony and Protectorate to independence. The Annual Departmental Reports provide a unique insight into the development and eventual dissolution of imperial rule. The documents are divided into nine sections for convenience. These are Administration, Finance, Judicial and Police, Natural Resources, Social Services, Transport and Public Works, Communications and Post Office Savings, Commerce, and Miscellaneous.
Note: the introduction derived from an online guide to the microfilm edition by D. C. Dorward, Lecturer in African History, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.
Gambia Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1881-1966...
Annual Departmental Reports relating to the Gambia, 1881-1966
- Trade and shipping records during World War Two reveal how shipping, air services, and the laws governing them, were affected by the war.
- These reports are arranged by the departments which they cover within The Gambia. Comparing the data in them shows how each area of government has developed over the years.
- These papers cover World War One and World War Two as well as the social services in this colony before independence.