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Trade Unionism and the Chartist Movement, 1833-1910

The selected papers of George Howell, 1833-1910

Described as 'the best collection on the Victorian labour movement in the world', the archive of George Howell comprises one of the most valuable research resources on nineteenth century liberal and radical politics
Stefan Dicker, Bishopsgate Institute

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Read accounts from chartists, methodists, and the Victorian labour movement

George Howell (1833-1910) was a prominent and well connected member of the labour movement during the growth of trade unions and the Chartist movement’s fight for male suffrage. During his time as an apprentice shoemaker he was introduced to radical publications like the Northern Star and Red Republican and subsequently became a member of the Chartist movement in 1848. He steadily gained a strong reputation in the rising labour movement and worked with figures like Karl Marx, Charles Bradlaugh, George Jacob Holyoake, E. S. Beesly, and Frederic Harrison. Howell became Secretary of the Reform League in 1865, and was also involved in the London Trades Council and Marx’s International Workingmen’s Association. He later became a Member of Parliament for North East Bethnal Green in 1885 as part of the Liberal-Labour movement.

The collection contains a wealth of material from the many organisations and movements that Howell contributed to. This includes minutes, circulars, press cuttings, and reports from the International Workingmen’s Association, the Reform League, and the Trade Union Congress. Additionally, there is also an abundance of correspondence between Howell and key figures within the 19th century labour movement, as well as Howell’s intimate personal diaries and autobiographical material.

The collection is also accompanied by a detailed guide written by Stefan Dickers. 


Trade Unionism and the Chartist Movement, 1833-1910...

The selected papers of George Howell, 1833-1910



Licensed to access Autobiographical Works and Ephemera, 1833-1910

Autobiographical material concerning the life and career of George Howell, including handwritten autobiographical works, some journal entries, retrospectives of months...

Licensed to access International Working Men's Association Minute book, 1865-1870

Minute book kept by George Howell in his position as secretary of the General Council of the International Working Men's...

Licensed to access Records and documents relating to the Reform League, 1865-1869

Minutes and papers relating to the Reform League, detailing its organisation and activities, including minutes of the Reform League, cashbooks...

Licensed to access Trades Union Congress Committee Papers, 1868-1875

Trades Union Congress Committee Papers, minutes, pamphlets, press cuttings, reports and other material related to the Trades Union Congress, including...

Licensed to access Plimsoll and Seamen's Fund reports, photos and ephemera, 1873-1882

A combination of handwritten minutes and lists of donations comprise the manuscript portion of this grouping. Printed items include reports,...

Licensed to access George Howell personal diaries, 1864-1879

Notebooks and engagement diaries kept by George Howell containing handwritten notes on his business and personal engagements and meetings, some...

Licensed to access George Howell personal diaries, 1874-1907

Engagement diaries kept by George Howell containing handwritten notes on his business and personal engagements and meetings (frequent mention is...

Licensed to access Letterbooks (Letters from Howell), 1865-1884

Letterbooks containing copies (from copying press); these are letters from Howell to colleagues and contemporaries regarding a variety of social...

Licensed to access Letterbooks (Letters to Howell), 1865-1888

Commencing with an Index to Correspondents, these letters to Howell are arranged by year, then in alphabetical order by sender...

Licensed to access Letterbooks (Letters to Howell), 1889-1911

These letters to Howell are arranged by year, then in alphabetical order by sender surname. Core correspondents include William Edwin...

Licensed to access 'Industrial Notes' Monthly by George Howell, 1909-1910

These 'Industrial Notes' are written in a standardised monthly format suggestive of their being intended for publication in a periodical....

Licensed to access Miscellaneous content relating to Howell, 1868-1910

This variety of miscellaneous content covers a number of different subjects, from detailed records of George Howell's time as executor...


  • The miscellaneous content relating to Howell includes articles of his which were published in the press. The first of these articles is a six page commentary on what Robert Owen's voluntary socialism really meant.
  • While Howell was a labour movement activist and campaigner it his own right, a lot of the value of these papers comes from who he corresponded with. Key figures include George Jacob Holyoake and Samuel Plimsoll.
  • Howell's roles in the labour movement included Secretary of the London Trades Council, Secretary of the Reform League, member of the TUC's Parliamentary Committee and MP for North East Bethnal Green.
  • The Reform League was formed to campaign for all men to have the right to vote and be represented in Parliament. Howell's role as Secretary was key to its success and some of its papers feature in this collection.

Licensed to access Liberal Party from Asquith to Ashdown, 1912-1988

1912   1988

Licensed to access British Labour Party Papers, 1968-1994

1968   1994

Licensed to access Scottish Nationalist Leaflets, 1844-1973

1844   1973

Licensed to access British Labour Party Papers, 1906-1969

1906   1969
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