Records relating to the Treaty of Lausanne, 1923
Records relating to the Treaty of Lausanne, 1923
Collection: Paris Peace Conference and Beyond, 1919-1939 Volumes Records relating to the Treaty of Lausanne, 1923The Lausanne Conference of 1922-23 was convened after Turkey reneged on the Treaty of Sèvres, the provisions of which were deemed to be unacceptable by the government of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The subsequent accords formally settled the conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied powers, defining the borders of the Turkish Republic and European colonial interests in the Middle East. This volume contains Admiralty, Air Ministry, Foreign Office, and Treasury records relating to the conference and final treaty. Subjects covered include Turkish disarmament, the demilitarisation of the Black Sea, population exchanges with Greece, population expulsions; the role played by Turkey’s regional rivals, and the influence of various political ideologies and religious minorities. As with the volume on the Treaty of Sèvres, the maps are particularly revealing.
Series: AIR 5 (Air Ministry: Air Historical Branch; Papers, Series II); FO 141 (Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Embassy and Consulates, Egypt; General Correspondence); FO 373 (Foreign Office: Peace Conference; Handbooks); FO 608 (Foreign Office: Peace Conference; British Delegation, Correspondence and Papers); FO 893 (Foreign Office: Ambassadors to the Peace Conference, 1919; Minutes of Proceedings); FO 925 (Foreign Office: Library; Maps and Plans); MPKK 1 (Public Record Office: Maps and plans extracted to extra-large flat storage from various series of records of the Foreign Office).
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Ottoman/Turkish war debts and economy, 1922-1924
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):T 160/901/3,T 160/50/4,T 160/20/2,FO 839/34
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):T 160/901/3,T 160/50/4,T 160/20/2,FO 839/34
Foreign Office records on Turkish disarmament and demilitarisation of the Black Sea, 1922-1923
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 286/827,FO 286/913,FO 839/20,FO 839/39,FO 839/19
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 286/827,FO 286/913,FO 839/20,FO 839/39,FO 839/19
Foreign Office records on Turkey and South Eastern Europe, 1922-1923
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 839/29,FO 839/30,FO 839/43
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 839/29,FO 839/30,FO 839/43
Foreign Office records on the role of foreign powers/institutions vis-à-vis Turkey and former Ottoman provinces, 1922-1923
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 839/14,FO 839/35,FO 839/45,FO 839/26
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 839/14,FO 839/35,FO 839/45,FO 839/26
Proceedings of the Lausanne Conference of 1922-1923
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 839/5,FO 839/10,FO 839/27,FO 839/8,T 160/167/6,FO 839/6,FO 839/21
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 839/5,FO 839/10,FO 839/27,FO 839/8,T 160/167/6,FO 839/6,FO 839/21
Maps relating to the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, 1916-1923
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):MPK 1/509/1-3,WO 301/651,WO 301/652,WO 301-654,WO 301/653,MPK 1/229,CO 1047/586,FO 925/41312,FO 925/41324,WO 301/638,WO 301/650,FO 925/41311
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):MPK 1/509/1-3,WO 301/651,WO 301/652,WO 301-654,WO 301/653,MPK 1/229,CO 1047/586,FO 925/41312,FO 925/41324,WO 301/638,WO 301/650,FO 925/41311
Records on diplomacy in the Middle East, 1916-1926 (i)
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):AIR 5/848,FO 839/53,FO 839/47,FO 839/32,FO 800/157/143,FO 141/503/1,FO 839/37,FO 839/44,FO 839/40,FO 800/149/40
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):AIR 5/848,FO 839/53,FO 839/47,FO 839/32,FO 800/157/143,FO 141/503/1,FO 839/37,FO 839/44,FO 839/40,FO 800/149/40
Records on diplomacy in the Middle East, 1916-1926 (ii)
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 839/17,FO 839/50,FO 839/18,FO 839/38,FO 839/4,FO 839/31
Contributor:The National Archives (UK)
Archive Reference(s):FO 839/17,FO 839/50,FO 839/18,FO 839/38,FO 839/4,FO 839/31